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Elevators installed with more than 4 inches of “gap space” between the hoistway doors and the elevator car doors can pose a serious safety risk. Children may become entrapped in the space and could be seriously injured or killed. This risk can be reduced with the proper installation of space guards at each floor.

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The Businesses That Benefit the Most From Dumbwaiters

restaurant that can benefit from dumbwaiters

Restaurants benefit greatly from dumbwaiters

We discussed the benefits behind residential dumbwaiters and now we’d like to shed some light on commercial dumbwaiters as well. When some people think of dumbwaiters, they may visualize Victorian mansions, but they have a more significant purpose than merely lowering dishes down to cleaning staff, although they still serve this purpose too. Various organizations use them today to move supplies from floor to floor. Dumbwaiters are a quick and effective way to take away the strain that comes from lifting products, especially heavy products, to different floors. Here are the businesses that benefit the most from dumbwaiters.

Hospital and Doctors’ Offices

Hospitals tend to be huge buildings with various departments and floors. Medication does not necessarily weigh a lot, but it is life-saving. Time is essential when a person needs to heal or is on a strict schedule with their medications. Therefore a dumbwaiter makes sense because of how they quickly transport items from floor to floor.

Dining Establishments

Today, restaurants still use commercial dumbwaiters to lower dishes to cleaning staff or to raise food from the kitchen. For multi-leveled restaurants, carrying trays of food up and down steps can be challenging, even for a skilled foodservice employee. Most of us have been to a restaurant, where, unfortunately, an accident has happened and a waiter or waitress dropped dishes of food. Commercial dumbwaiters help to make moving dishes from floor to floor manageable, safe, and quick. If you’re a restaurant owner, you can look forward to less product loss due to accidents, as well as a lower risk of your employees potentially hurting themselves.

Offices and Banks

Depending on how many floors and departments a business has, it can be quite a challenge to move office equipment from one floor to another. Commercial dumbwaiters make this process more manageable and efficient. 


Some banks host a vault below ground. Secure safe access ensures that only the right people are placing money and items from ground safety deposit boxes into a dumbwaiter and prevents wrongful access. Our lifts help both homeowners and business owners alike. If you’re interested in learning more about our lifts, then don’t hesitate to give us a call. 

Preferred Elevator: We’re On the Up and Up!

For 14 years, Preferred Elevator has served residents in Central Maryland, Baltimore, and Washington, DC. You can rely on our experienced home installation team and quality products.

For our commercial elevator clients, we also provide annual inspections of your equipment to adhere to standards established by the state of Maryland. During these inspections, we make sure that your commercial mobility product is functioning correctly and efficiently. We’ll also go over all safety devices and customized features offered within your plan!

Get in touch with us! Our business hours are Monday-Friday 8 am -5 pm. Reach us by phone at 410-238-2555, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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    Preferred Elevator

    • 7110 Golden Ring Road
      Suite 102
      Essex, MD 21221
    • Phone: 410-238-2555
    • 24/7 Emergency Service
    • Business Hours:
      Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm
    • MHIC #123888
    • Elevators Contractors License #1186
    • DC License #ELC1300867