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Elevators installed with more than 4 inches of “gap space” between the hoistway doors and the elevator car doors can pose a serious safety risk. Children may become entrapped in the space and could be seriously injured or killed. This risk can be reduced with the proper installation of space guards at each floor.

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Surprising Benefits of Owning a Residential Elevator

Surprising Benefits of Owning a Residential Elevator Preferred Elevator

One of the benefits of owning a residential elevator is that it doesn’t have to add a bunch of bulk to the home

Some of the top benefits of owning a residential elevator are well-known. You’re probably well aware that residential elevators add comfort, convenience, and restore independence to a person’s life. However, today we’d like to shed a little bit of light on some benefits that may surprise you. 

Residential Elevators Can Help Aging Pets As Well 

Just like people, pets age as well. They can go through a variety of health issues, just like their owners. As dogs, in particular age, they too can have trouble comfortably and safely walking up and down the steps. 

Residential Elevators Make it Easier to Care for Aging Parents.

If you have a busy schedule, it can become a challenge to juggle taking care of aging parents. Because home elevators help restore a person’s independence, you can feel a little better about going to work or running errands as your parents safely travel in your home or theirs. Residential elevators help people to age in place and help to prevent falls, slips, or injuries. 

A Home Elevator Will Serve You Well If You Have a Large Home Known for Entertainment

Before the pandemic, maybe your house was known for fun, large gatherings. A home elevator makes it easier to travel between floors without carrying heavy trays, tables, and other items up and down the steps. Owning a residential elevator is the perfect way to accommodate your guests and yourself. A dumbwaiter is another valuable option to transport items such as groceries or cleaning supplies between floors. 

Home Elevators Make a Home More Marketable

A house that has home modifications already in place automatically makes it more marketable. Home modifications make a home safer and more comfortable. If you buy and sell homes, especially in areas that are excellent for retired members of the community, a home elevator is a valuable add-on. What so many people want is to age in places. They want to live in their comfortable home for as long as possible. An accessible home is an excellent selling point. 

Additional Style Added to the Home

When residential elevators emerged, many wealthy homeowners greatly benefited from them. Now, fast forward to 2020, and any homeowner can benefit from a residential elevator. They are quite affordable! With that in mind, your home elevator can be sleek, stylish, and slender. The top reason homeowners have elevators installed in their homes is for accessibility purposes. However, elevator installation doesn’t have to be bulky, extraneous, or an eyesore.

Reach out today if you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of residential elevators. 

Preferred Elevator: We’re On the Up and Up!

For 14 years, Preferred Elevator has served residents in Central Maryland, Baltimore, and Washington, DC. You can rely on our experienced home installation team and quality products.

For our commercial elevator clients, we also provide annual inspections of your equipment to adhere to standards established by the state of Maryland. During these inspections, we make sure that your commercial mobility product is functioning correctly and efficiently. We’ll also go over all safety devices and customized features offered within your plan!

Get in touch with us! Our business hours are Monday-Friday 8 am -5 pm. Reach us by phone at 410-238-2555, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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    Preferred Elevator

    • 7110 Golden Ring Road
      Suite 102
      Essex, MD 21221
    • Phone: 410-238-2555
    • 24/7 Emergency Service
    • Business Hours:
      Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm
    • MHIC #123888
    • Elevators Contractors License #1186
    • DC License #ELC1300867