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Elevators installed with more than 4 inches of “gap space” between the hoistway doors and the elevator car doors can pose a serious safety risk. Children may become entrapped in the space and could be seriously injured or killed. This risk can be reduced with the proper installation of space guards at each floor.

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Reasons You Should Get an Annual Service Agreement

Here are reasons you should let us provide an annual service agreement for your elevator.

If you have an elevator in your house, you’re going to want it in the best shape possible for years to come. To keep your elevator in good condition, you should have a professional check on it every year. Fortunately, the staff at Preferred Elevator can provide you with an annual service agreement that will take care of everything! But what takes place during one of these service agreements? Here are reasons you should let us provide an annual service agreement for your elevator.

You Can Be Sure Your Elevator is Fully Functional

Elevators aren’t something you canmaintain yourself, without knowledge and experience that our mechanics have. . This could lead to you wondering whether or not your elevator is actually functioning as it should.

You can put all doubts to rest when you have Preferred Elevator come over. When you get an annual service agreement from us, we’ll check on your elevator on an annul basis and ensure everything is working properly and safely before we leave. This way, you’ll always know for certain that your elevator is ready for use.

We are a Trustworthy Company That is Licensed, Bonded, and Insured

It’s pretty likely that any company will say that they are the ones to trust for any job you ask. What makes Preferred Elevator stand out, then? We show how trustworthy we are by providing proof of license, bonding, and insurance. Don’t feel shy about asking for these details if you would like. We want to be sure you are comfortable whenever you work with our team.

With all of these credentials supporting our high-quality work, you can take comfort in knowing that you’re getting your elevator professionally serviced. 

Cost Effectiveness

Preferred Elevator understands how bothersome it can be to deal with hidden fees that other companies might sneak away into their invoices. That’s why we don’t have any hidden fees given to you. You’ll know exactly what you pay right out of the gate when you get an annual service inspection from us.

We include the annual inspection fee in the cost of our services, and you’ll get discounted rates for whatever components and services you need in addition to that. All of these factors put together make planning your payments easy, and it’ll be a cost-effective option to work with us.

The Preferred Elevator Promise

Preferred Elevator will be ready to offer you an annual service agreement in a professional and workmanlike manner. We make ourselves responsible for your complete satisfaction with our services as we look to offer you safe and dependable vertical transportation to maximize the time you have with your equipment.

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    Preferred Elevator

    • 7110 Golden Ring Road
      Suite 102
      Essex, MD 21221
    • Phone: 410-238-2555
    • 24/7 Emergency Service
    • Business Hours:
      Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm
    • MHIC #123888
    • Elevators Contractors License #1186
    • DC License #ELC1300867