410-238-2555 24 Hour Emergency Service
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Elevators installed with more than 4 inches of “gap space” between the hoistway doors and the elevator car doors can pose a serious safety risk. Children may become entrapped in the space and could be seriously injured or killed. This risk can be reduced with the proper installation of space guards at each floor.

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3 Essential Benefits of Investing In A Dumbwaiter

Do you want to improve how you transport items around your home or business?  When it comes sending supplies to various areas around a property, a dumbwaiter is the wisest investment you can make.  Even though dumbwaiters are commonly used in restaurants and the hospitality industry, homeowners can benefit from the device as well.  Discover a few of the benefits of investing in a dumbwaiter.


One of the major benefits of investing in a dumbwaiter is that it makes every task extremely efficient.  If you are at a job that requires you to send items to another part of the building, you can do it without leaving your workstation.  You do not have to spend time traveling up and down stairs in your building delivering supplies to your coworkers. All you have to do is put an item in the dumbwaiter car and press a button; then the item is on its way.


Dumbwaiters are one of the most durable systems you could invest in.  Once installed, you will rely on your dumbwaiter on a daily basis, so it is important that it is incredibly strong and stands up well to everyday wear and tear.  Depending on how well you care for your dumbwaiter, it can last up to several decades, continuously providing your home or business with efficient service.


Once you install a dumbwaiter into your home or place of business, your personal safety will immediately increase.  A dumbwaiter prevents you from handling heavy items which could potentially cause injuries. The last thing you want is to strain your back or pull a muscle from carrying a heavy item up a couple of flight of stairs.  Save your back some unwanted pain and put those items in a dumbwaiter!

Preferred Elevator: We’re On the Up and Up!

For 11 years, Preferred Elevator has served residents in Central Maryland, Baltimore, and Washington, DC. You can rely on our experienced home installation team and quality products.

For our commercial elevator clients, we also provide annual inspections of your equipment to adhere to standards established by the state of Maryland. During these inspections, we make sure that your commercial mobility product is functioning correctly and efficiently. We’ll also go over all safety devices and customized features offered within your plan!

Get in touch with us! Our business hours are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. Reach us by phone at 410-238-2555, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.


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    Preferred Elevator

    • 7110 Golden Ring Road
      Suite 102
      Essex, MD 21221
    • Phone: 410-238-2555
    • 24/7 Emergency Service
    • Business Hours:
      Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm
    • MHIC #123888
    • Elevators Contractors License #1186
    • DC License #ELC1300867